TRIVENI EDUCATIONAL TRUST Has Launched new Website for Public School & Kinder Garten :: www.trivenipublicschool.in :: trivenikindergarten.com


“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself” – John Dewey


A quote close to my heart lays the foundation of a system of life, education and illumination, that I envision as not only commendable but necessary as life itself. Education as a synonym for life then becomes an ever evolving identity that must keep pace with the constant flow of change, innovation and invention that we as a society witness in today’s day and times.

Keeping this in mind, I have always believed in the 360 degree theory of education spectrum. Education for me is thus an avenue for working on the pupil’s individuality and team building skills… skills that will enable them to prepare them to not only face the challenges and adversities of the world, but also conquer them on their own terms.
As I perceive it, value based education that have life skills weaved into its very curriculum is the need of the hour. It is my strong belief that team efforts, role of a Guru (teacher) and a healthy parent-teacher relationship is the only path that leads towards a bright future full of opportunities and success for every child entrusted in our care.

With a vision of introducing global education system that draws inspiration from our rich cultural heritage, three major factors i.e. atmosphere, child’s leader (teachers), and the exposure to global world curriculum that is in complete sync with the Indian value-system, makes such noble and worthy endeavours successful. The idea is to let the child explore their inner capabilities and pave their independent path towards success, a path illuminated by the sound values of an upright education system.

Let us then work together towards raising ethical and happy children and send them out into the world as the flag bearers of a brighter tomorrow, citizens of the world and the pride of our nation.

Looking forward to a strong bond of trust, affection, love, and respect between parents and teachers. Let’s share the responsibility of nurturing the children together as one, for they are ours to love and train together, ours to spread this tag together.



Man is a biological unit to be molded. Human beings think of higher values only in calmness. We should work to create new set of citizens who are calm and are awakened about the Glory of our culture and unsurpassable history. Once they are awakened they not only think about themselves but they become equipped to walk an extra mile, ready to care and share. This needs to addressed immediately in a drastic manner.

Education is to discover the possibilities of freedom and responsibilities of an individual. It involves opening of new way of thinking which will help them to identify extraordinary greatness within themselves. The intrinsic greatness should be ignited in young age. Enthusiasm and energy should be kindled to see the consequences of each action they do.

Schools must not only be centres for development of successful members, but also be centres of awakening future citizens of India who can take up the task of NATION BUILDING.